Food & Beverage | Bakery & Confectionery

Gopeng & Tras St,


6224 7848

Mon - Fri: 7.30am to 8pm

Sat & Sun: 8am to 3pm

The name, Nick Vina, comes from an artisan Chef Nick Chua and pastry Chef Vina Wang who love baking. The bakery was set up with the inspiration of Chef Nick Chua who wants to bring back the traditional process of baking bread when he was working in a small famous bakery shop in Germany, Hanover. He wants people to feel at home in a modern bakery shop. He emphasises more on hand-crafted bread and pastry than machine processed bread. Together with his team, they share a passion for artisan bread and a desire to share with others the joy of savoring artisan bread, as well as ensuring that customers get fresh, wholesome bread each time